Terms I Use

Throughout my blog I tend to use language that is limited to specific communities.  While I do wish to keep this language explicit to the community for which it is intended, and I use my words deliberately, I recognize that this can alienate people from my blog so I am placing a glossary of terms here that will be linked to whenever I use one.

Should you feel confused, feel free to message me or comment on the article I use the term in with an example and I will get it on this page within 72 hours to get it linked and put the definition here!

Anthropology Terms:

  1. Cultural Lens (relative-perspective): the notion that each individual is brought up with cultural beliefs, values, and realities impacting them and this forms their belief system and the way that they see the world.  Can have a lived experience impact your cultural lens such as living through poverty or living in the Bronx, or a learned experience in which you choose to accept the lived experience of another as a reality or truth such as someone from the Bronx telling you what it is like or facts about living in the bronx.

Art Terms:

  1. pseudo-Modernism: The age or style of art marked by simultaneously shallow self-promotional or globalized art used specifically to make a deeper impactful message.  Such examples are the “i am not famous anymore” lunch back worn by Shia Lebeouf and the That Poppy youtube channel.

Communication Terms:

  1. Synchronous / Asynchronous: Refering to a the time it takes to communicate in any way.  Synchronous means “at the same time” like direct conversation while Asynchronous means “communicating at different times” such as one would in emails.

LGBT+ community Terms:

  1. LGBT+:  A shortened acronym for LGBTIQQAAPP which in turn stands for the, “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, asexual, ally, pansexual, and plus community”.